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Music Diplomacy

Music Diplomacy

Harmonizing International Relations through Music

About Music Diplomacy:
Music is a powerful medium through which individuals, communities, and nations can express themselves. Whilst the role of music as a force for social cohesion can be seen to have emerged together with the earliest musical forms, the use of music to promote political, diplomatic, or societal objectives can be seen to have come to prominence during the Cold War.
At times, the messages conveyed by musicians are also reflections of general developments across society as a whole. When this is the case, songs can capture the entire mood of a nation and bring together people from diverse backgrounds. For example, the Scorpion's song "Winds of Change" captured the hope felt by Germans, living in both the East and West, following the fall of the Berlin Wall. In South Africa, civil rights activist Miriam Makeba used her music to campaign across the world against the apartheid regime.
Music through its ability to transcend boundaries can thus create relationships between people from different backgrounds and opposing beliefs. It will be argued that cultural diplomacy and cultural relations are our best hope of transforming prejudices, mistrust, and hatred into curiosity, tolerance, and understanding.
It is important to find the appropriate ways to use musical diplomacy at its fullest potential while simultaneously respecting the diversity of the world’s definition of music.
Multilateral perspective on musical diplomacy including the works of governments, international organizations and non-state actors is key for the understanding of music as a platform for collaboration, interaction, and dialogue.
Peace building is only achievable through the creation of sustainable relationships between the peoples of the world.

In recognition of the power of music as illustrated above, Center for Music Diplomacy in IFAI due to the role of music language between nations proximity, intends to support young and expert Persian musicians for performance in Iran and all of the world for sending the Persian peace message to the other nations. It seeks to pursue the following aims:
• To explore the historical role of music as a form of cultural diplomacy during history
• To promote the use of music for social cohesion and development.

Program Aims:
In recognition of the power of music as illustrated above, Global Understanding Initiative (UNESCO Chair Programme) Regional Action Center has created the program "Center for Music Diplomacy". It seeks to pursue the following aims:
• To explore the historical role of music as a form of cultural diplomacy during history
• To promote the use of music for social cohesion and development.

Program Activity:
The activity of the “Center for Music Diplomacy” program consists of the following three fields:
Research and Education
The Music as Cultural Diplomacy program works to raise awareness of the use of music for peace building and societal transformation, and supports all research and education that shares these aims.

Composing fusion songs with peace and friendship theme
The "Music as Cultural Diplomacy" program holds regular academic lectures, panel discussions, and conferences on themes related to the program goals. These events feature expert speakers from music, politics, diplomacy, civil society, and academia, ensuring an interdisciplinary analysis of the issues under discussion.

Concerts and Musical Performances
It will host regular performances by renowned musicians who, through their work, have made a meaningful contribution to strengthening intercultural relations. Such musical events will include a keynote speech by the artist(s) on their experiences as a musical ambassador.

Global Initiative for responsible investment