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FIVB appointed Dr. Katayoun Arabzadeh as the member of Appeals Panel

IFAI President Appointed as the member of FIVB Appeals Panel

Lausanne, October 2021
In an official letter by Dr. Ary S. Graça, the president of The Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB), it was announced that the FIVB Board of Administration has appointed Dr. Katayoun Arabzadeh as a member of Appeals Panel in accordance with Article 2.7.2 of FIVB Constitution and Article 17.1 of FIVB
Disciplinary Regulations.

Welcoming the appointment, the president stated: “your Experience constitutes an important asset, one that will enhance our sport. The FIVB is counting on you and will provide you with necessary support for your work.”
Being the president of IFAI (Investment Forum of Austria & Iran) and lawyer and legal Advisor at Iran Volleyball Federation, Katayoun Arabzadeh´s fields of expertise encompass a variety of industries including sport, investment, oil and gas, food and beverages, transportation and energy management.
She is also experienced in the areas of International Trade law. Civil law, Criminal law, Labour Law, Litigation, Commercial law, trademark law and relevant infringement, Family law and Energy.
She also worked for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company as well as leading international law firms specialized in international dispute resolution.
Worked on several major projects and cases and cooperated with international firms as national consultant, Lawyer and legal advisor, Ms Arabzadeh´s qualification and training in Vienne University enable her to advance business aspects in an amicable manner.


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