Investment Forum of Austria & Iran
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About IFAI

Investment Forum of Austria and Iran (IFAI) was founded in 2020 as an association domiciled in Vienna, Austria. The purpose of IFAI is to facilitate economic exchanges between Austria and Iran, and promote better understanding of Iranian and Austrian markets and financial reforms designed to protect international investments and business activities

Investment Forum of Austria and Iran (IFAI) was founded in 2020 as an association domiciled in Vienna, Austria. The purpose of IFAI is to facilitate economic exchanges between Asutria and Iran, and promote better understanding of Iranian and Austrian markets and financial reforms designed to protect international investments and business activities.
IFAI is mindful that past and present mutually respectful diplomatic and commercial relations between the two countries provide a firm foundation upon which to build, and further strengthen the future potential of this positive, bi-lateral relationship.
IFAI plans include hosting a series of high-level conferences and seminars in Austria and Iran to provide guidance, comprehensive evaluation, analysis, and discussion of the global economic agenda. IFAI events will bring together global business leaders, experts, the media, and government officials to create favorable conditions for constructive dialogue, promotion of new ideas, and the creation of new, economically sustainable projects that support development of innovative social enterprises.
IFAI was established to help support the objectives outlined below:

1. Strengthen and diversify economic relations in order to expand the level of trade and investment, building on the common interest of their respective business communities;
2. Establish framework conditions for trade and investment in order to intensify and expand all forms of commercial and economic relations between the two countries;
3. Further explore areas of possible cooperation in view of the sustainable development of the economies;
4. Further and deepen cooperation in the field of intellectual property;
5. Examine ways of improving conditions for the development of direct contacts between economic operators and to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in trade and cooperation;
6. Hold consultations on issues related to trade and investments between the Participants.

IFAI commits itself to support these objectives affirmed by the highest levels of leadership in their respective countries, and to promote long-term, sustainable investment in Iran in accordance with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


The Association shall pursue the following aims:

The purpose of the IFAI is to promote mutual sustainable and responsible investment in Iran and Austria based on global finding about economic, social and environmental situation by establishing bi-lateral business relationships with Austria to develop and implement projects supported by those investments, by means of:

A. Co-hosting informational conferences, seminars, and special events in Austria in collaboration with other Austrian associations and chambers of commerce committed to similar objectives and goals; the conferences feature expert speakers addressing key themes of interest, with opportunities for participants networking and discussion.

B. IFAI recognizes the global importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a global agenda to end poverty by 2030 – and the unique role that impact investing will play in achieving these goals and building a sustainable future.

C. Seeking assistance from, and collaborating with Austrian government, business, and financial regulatory institutions to improve Iran’s knowledge base and to build capacity in the areas of investment banking, credit rating agencies, financial transparency, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development strategies; and,

D. Developing collaborative projects with Austrian, Iranian, and international organizations that support the purpose of the Association to take advantage of new market and investment opportunities



Global Initiative for responsible investment