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Austrian Foreign Ministry Opens Ambassadors Conference 2022

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg welcomed the ambassadors to this year's Ambassadors' Conference of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, which takes place in Vienna and Klosterneuburg. The week-long conference brings together the heads of Austrian embassies and permanent representations to intensify the exchange among themselves and with their colleagues in Vienna.

In his opening speech, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg addressed the changing security situation in Europe due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This also makes the work of the Foreign Ministry and ambassadors around the globe more important.

For Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, the importance of a powerful Foreign Ministry in the shadow of Ukraine is also a "security ministry." Schallenberg explained, "The world has become more uncomfortable. And that's where you need a strong, efficient and effective foreign ministry that's also appropriately funded and staffed."

Another key topic at the ambassadors' conference is Austria's export economy. The Austrian Foreign Ministry explained that the pandemic and the war in Ukraine are causing global upheaval here as well, forcing Austrian companies to reposition themselves, establish new supply chains, reduce dependencies and find new markets. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to actively support the Austrian economy with initiatives such as ReFocus Austria.

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg explained the role of embassies in the economy, "Austria generates over 50% in exports, every second job is directly or indirectly dependent on exports." According to Schallenberg, Austria needs "a well-positioned network of representations as door-openers, networkers and advocates for the Austrian economy abroad."

This year's Ambassadors' Conference will focus on "tech diplomacy". This is because new technologies are also playing an increasingly important role in diplomacy. Due to cyber attacks, disinformation on the net, artificial intelligence and increasing competition between economic powers for a technological edge, "tech diplomacy" has become part of the daily work of diplomats. In keeping with the theme, the Institute of Sciences and Technology in Klosterneuburg was chosen as the venue for the first two days of the conference.

The week-long conference brings together the ambassadors of the Austrian embassies and permanent representations to intensify the exchange among themselves and with their colleagues in Vienna. The program also includes lectures and meetings with the Federal President, the President of the National Council, members of the government and representatives of the business community. 

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